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10 month ago
Dude had a PERFECT ass!
10 month ago
my fantasy man
2 years ago
Sad that Kobe has struggled with homelessness and addiction. You could easily find him working on Santa Monica Blvd for years. No idea if he made it out of the life.
5 years ago
Koby Bird is one of those ebony, versatile studs with full lip chocolatey goodness... and a power chin to both and a long sumptuous neck; you wanna tongue down; like a honey BBQ rib... In fact; Koby is one of the few porn actors that can stand proud with Bobby Blake for having tapped Ricky Parker"s hot, insatiable, deep, dark chocolate bubblicious booty; multiple times... Not to mention; Bobby and his on screen partner Flex Deon has parted Koby"s and Ricky"s lips and hot ass with their hefty night sticks; too...